EAHMH Prizes

The EAHMH Book Award

Our book award is granted to the best medical history monograph published in the two years preceding the EAHMH biennial conference. For the 2025 award, books published during 2023-24 will be eligible. Nominated books can be on any medical history topic concerning Europe or Europe’s relationship with the wider world. 

The award reflects the strong commitment of the EAHMH to new approaches to medical historiography. Books may be nominated by anyone, including publishers, EAHMH members and authors themselves. Books considered for one prize will not automatically be considered for the next and need to be re-nominated each time within the period of eligibility. Edited volumes, as well as works with three or more authors, are not eligible. 

In case the award-winning book is written in a language other than English, the Scientific Board of the EAHMH will provide advice for promoting it in English.

The EAHMH book award is 3000 Euros and is sponsored by the Dutch Stichting Historia Medicinae and the British Wilkinson Charitable


How to enter

Books can be nominated until May 1st, 2025. Publishers should send a copy of the books to be considered to each member of the Jury (so three books in total):

Dr Noortje Jacobs (Chair of the committee)
Rusthofstraat 15
3034 TP Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Dr Gareth Millward
Institut for Kultur- og Sprogvidenskaber
Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M

Dr Ketil Slagstad
Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik in der Medizin
Charite – Universitatsmedizin Berlin
Thielallee 71
14195 Berlin


Previous winners

Pieter van Foreest student prize

The Pieter van Foreest prize is awarded to the (PhD) student with the best paper on any medical history topic presented at the biennual EAHMH conference. The prize commemorates Pieter van Foreest, the ‘Dutch Hippocrates’, also known as a keen medical observer. The prize (EUR 500) will be awarded during the General Assembly on the final day of the conference. Prize winners will be invited to publish their paper in the Association’s European Journal for the History of Meicine and Health.

To be eligible, students have to be paying members of the EAHMH. Those wishing to be considered for the prize should indicate this when submitting their abstracts.  Applicants should include their university, department and name of their supervisor. The Scientific Board of the EAHMH will act as jury.

Granted through the generous support of the Dutch foundation Stichting Historia Medicinae.

Previous winners